Phone: (404) 965-1499
OneSource Learning & Development Center plans to apply for three grants through the Georgia Department of Education’s FY25 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program. These grants will support afterschool and summer programming for the following schools:
Gwinnett County
OneSource Learning & Development Center plans to apply for three grants through the Georgia Department of Education’s FY25 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program. These grants will support afterschool and summer programming for the following schools:
Gwinnett County
DeKalb County
OneSource welcomes input from parents and other stakeholders on the design and focus of our 21st CCLC programs. Please reach out to us at info@onesourcega.org.
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
We are open every day until 6:00 p.m. for Afterschool & have a 10-week Summer Academy.
Drop-in Services Available:
Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks, Thanksgiving & Christmas Break, and Digital Learning Days the Center is open to receive children.
(Not all ages and/or services are conducted at all site locations. Please check specific locations for specific programming.)
OneSource offers Dress for Success/ Resume Writing/ Interview Skills Building workshops weekly.
If you are interested in participating in either workshop, please contact us today.
Would you like to learn how you can provide a limited liability bond for eligible employees for 6 months at no cost to the employer?
The Georgia Department of Labor (DOL) will be providing workshops discussing how DOL bonds benefits qualified employees.
To learn more you may sign up.
OneSource's mission for the Workforce & Career Development Center is to provide the support, education, and facilitation of the job search process for students and adults.
Employment Specialists & Career Advisors are waiting to help you outline a plan for your career development.
Services Include:
Workshops & Programs
Interview Preparation
Career Assessment & Advising
Resume & Cover Letter
Career Path Exploration
Career Fairs
Job & Internship Opportunities
Schedule a call with a representative today!
2300 West Park Place Blvd. Ste. 100, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30087
Phone: (404) 965-1499 Fax: (678) 550-9150
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed